sénat prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

sénat | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Assemblée de patriciens qui formait le conseil suprême et perpétuel de l'ancienne Rome.
2. L'une des deux assemblées législatives de certaines nation
s dont la France : en France le Sénat est constitué de notables élus au suffrage indirect qui peuvent bloquer provisoirement certains projets de loi.
3. Ceux-ci reviendront ŕ l'Assemblée Nationale pour une seconde lecture et pourront alors être définitivement votés.
4. Lieu oů se réunit cette assemblée.

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assemblée · chambre · conseil · curie · réunion
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srpski · nemački



ETYM Old Eng. senat, French sénat, from Latin senatus, from senex, gen. senis, old, an old man. Related to Senior, Sir.
Assembly possessing high legislative powers.
In ancient Rome, the “council of elders”. Originally consisting of the heads of
patrician families, it was recruited from ex-magistrates and persons who had rendered notable public service, but was periodically purged by the censors. Although nominally advisory, it controlled finance and foreign policy.
The US Senate consists of 100 members, two from each state, elected for a six-year term. The term also refers to the upper house of the Canadian parliament and to the upper chambers of Italy and France. It is also given to the governing bodies in some universities, for example, the Faculty Senate.
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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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