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1. Tube.
2. (Médecine) Cathéter.
3. (Sciences) Satellite envoyé en mission exploratrice.

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ETYM Latin, from Greek, a thing let down or put in, catheter, from to send down, to let down; cata + hienai to send.
A thin flexible tube inserted into the body to permit introduction or withdrawal of fluids.
tube introduced into bladder through urethra.
Fine tube inserted into the body to introduce or remove fluids. The urinary catheter, passed by way of the urethra (the duct that leads urine away from the bladder) was the first to be used. In today's practice, catheters can be inserted into blood vessels, either in the limbs or trunk, to provide blood samples and local pressure measurements, and to deliver drugs and/or nutrients directly into the bloodstream.
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1. An inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities; SYN. probing, investigation.
2. An exploratory action or
3. A flexible slender surgical instrument used to explore wounds or body cavities.
4. An investigation conducted using a probe instrument.
A generic term that is used to describe many types of temperature sensors.
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Physiological sensation received by the ear, originating in a vibration that communicates itself as a pressure variation in the air and travels in every direction, spreading out as an expanding sphere. All sound waves in air travel with a speed dependent on the temperature; under ordinary conditions, this is about 330 m/1,070 ft per second. The pitch of the sound depends on the number of vibrations imposed on the air per second, but the speed is unaffected. The loudness of a sound is dependent primarily on the amplitude of the vibration of the air.
The lowest note audible to a human being has a frequency of about 20 hertz (vibrations per second), and the highest one of about 15,000 Hz; the lower limit of this range varies little with the person's age, but the upper range falls steadily from adolescence onward.
1. The sudden occurrence of an audible event; SYN. noise.
2. The particular auditory effect produced by a given cause; or
3. The subjective sensation of hearing something; SYN. auditory sensation, noise.
4. Audible vibrations transmitted through the air (or other medium)
5. A large ocean inlet or deep bay
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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

imenica, medicina
muški rod, muzika
ženski rod, gramatika
ženski rod, telekomunikacije