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muški rod

1. Poitrine.
2. (Populaire) Nichon. De beaux seins.
3. Giron.
4. Milieu. Au sein du groupe.

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imenicavulgarno, napadno

Sometimes vulgar; breast
(Slang) A woman's breast.



ETYM AS. boesm; akin to Dutch bozem, Fries. bosm, Old High Germ. puosum, German busen, and prob. Eng. bough.
1. Cloth that covers the chest or breasts.
2. A person's breast or chest.
3. (Archaic) The chest considered as the place where secret thoughts are kept.

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ETYM Old Eng. brest, breost, As. breóst; akin to Icel. brjôst, Swed. bröst, Dan. bryst, Goth. brusts, OS. briost, Dutch borst, German brust.
One of a pair of organs on the chest of the human female, also known as a mammary gland. Each of the two breasts contains milk-producing cells and a network o
f tubes or ducts that lead to openings in the nipple.
Milk-producing cells in the breast do not become active until a woman has given birth to a baby. Breast milk is made from substances extracted from the mother's blood as it passes through the breasts. It contains all the nourishment a baby needs, including antibodies to help fight infection.
1. Either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman; SYN. bosom, knocker, boob, tit, titty.
2. Meat carved from the breast of a fowl; SYN. white meat.
3. The front part of the trunk from the neck to the abdomen.
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imenicavulgarno, napadno

(Vulgar) A breast.

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