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muški rodbotanika

Céréale voisine du blé mais plus menue, plus longue et plus brune que le froment et poussant dans des terres moins riches et plus froides.

blé · céréale · secale
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ETYM Old Eng. rie, reie, as. ryge; akin to Icel. rugr, Swed. rag, Dan. rug, Dutch rogge, Old High Germ. rocco, roggo, German rocken, roggen, Lith. rugei, Russ. roje, and perh. to Greek oryza rice. Related to Rice.
Cereal Secale cereale grown extensively in N Eur
ope and other temperate regions. The flour is used to make dark-colored (“black”) breads. Rye is grown mainly as a forage crop, but the grain is also used to make whiskey and breakfast cereals.
(Homonym: wry).
1. Distilled from rye or rye and malt; SYN. rye whiskey, rye whisky.
2. Hardy annual cereal grass widely cultivated in northern Europe where its grain is the chief ingredient of black bread and in North America for forage and soil improvement; SYN. Secale cereale.
3. The seed of the cereal grass.
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Secale cereale · rye whisk · rye whiskey

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