1. Contentement.
2. Plaisir.
3. (Littéraire) Réparation. Demander satisfaction.
The feeling one has when one is satisfied with oneself; SYN. complacence, self-complacency, self-satisfaction.
ETYM Cf. French contentement. Related to Content.
Happiness with one's situation in life.
ETYM Written also fulfilment.
1. A feeling of satisfaction at having achieved one's desires; SYN. fulfilment.
2. The act of consummating something (a desire or promise etc); SYN. fulfilment.
The process of delivering goods and services ordered by a consumer. Fulfillment involves establishing a reliable procedure for tracking orders and delivering products.
ETYM Old Eng. satisfaccioun, French satisfaction, from Latin satisfactio, from satisfacere to satisfy. Related to Satisfy.
1. Act of fulfilling a desire or need or appetite; SYN. satisfying.
2. The contentment one feels when you has done something right.