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partie | francusko - engleski rečnik


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1. Morceau.
2. Portion.
3. Membre. Les parties d'un tout.
4. Spécialité. L'art est sa partie.
5. Jeu.
6. Match. Une partie de rugby.
7. (Droit) Plaideur. L'avocat d'une des parties.

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1 The total number or quantity; aggregate; the quantity at hand or under consideration
2. The whole effect, significance, or import
3. A principal sum
and the interest on it'usage Number is regularly used with count nouns while amount is mainly used with mass nouns. The use of amount with count nouns has been frequently criticized; it usually occurs when the number of things is thought of as a mass or collection or when money is involved
How much of something is available
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In mechanics, one of two or more forces (or other vector quantities) acting on a body whose combined effect is represented by a single resultant force. For purposes of calculation, a force may be resolved (see resolution of forces) into components acting at right angles to each other.
1. An abstract part of something:; SYN. constituent, element, factor, ingredient.
2. An artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system.
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ETYM Old Eng. game, gamen, AS. gamen, gomen, play, sport; akin to OS., Old High Germ., and Icel. gaman, Dan. gammen mirth, merriment, OSw. gamman joy. Related to Gammon a game, Backgammon, Gamble.
1. A contest with rules to determine a winner.
2. An amusement or pastime.
3. The equipment needed to play a game.
4. Animal hunted for food or sport.
5. The flesh of wild animals that is used for food.
6. Informal terms for an occupation; SYN. biz.
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ETYM French part, Latin pars, gen. partis; cf. parere to bring forth, produce. Related to Parent, Depart, Parcel, Partner, Party, Portion.
1. A portion of a natural object; SYN. piece.
2. Something less than the whole of a human artifact; SYN. portion.
3. Something determined in relation to something that includes it; SYN. portion, component part, compon
4. One of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; SYN. section, division.
5. The melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music; SYN. voice.
6. So far as concerns the actor specified; or.
7. A line where the hair is parted.
Written music designated for an individual musician or group of musicians, for example the “soprano part”, in contrast to a score, which provides all the parts on each page. A part, or voice, can also be an independent line of a contrapuntal work, for example a fugue in four parts.
A large-scale section of a composition is also called a part, for example Part I of Elgar’s Dream of Gerontius 1900.
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ETYM French, from Latin portio, akin to pars, partis, a part. Related to Part.
1. One's part of something; one's share.
2. A serving of food.
3. An often limited part set off or abstracted from a whole.

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partie | francusko - engleski rečnik




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1. Bygone
2. Having died especially recently

absent · asleep · at peace · at rest · away · bygone · bypast · dead · deceased · foregone · gone · past + prikaži više

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