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The sport of catching fish with a rod and line and a baited hook (or other lure).
Fishing with rod and line. Competition angling exists and world championships take place for most branches of the sport. The oldest is the World Freshwater Championship, inaugurated 1957.
Freshwater fishing embraces game fishing, in which members of the salmon family, such as salmon, trout, and bass are taken by spinners (revolving lures) and flies (imitations of adult or larval insects); and coarse fishing, in which members of the carp family, pike, and perch are taken by baits or lures.
In sea fishing the catch includes flatfish, bass, sailfish, tarpon, and mackerel; big-game fishes include shark, tuna, marlin, and swordfish.
coarse fishing
So-called because of the
coarse texture of the flesh of non-salmonid fish, coarse fishing is the most popular branch of angling. Normally vegetarian fish such as roach, bream, carp, chub, dace, and tench are taken on a wide variety of baits. Omnivorous and predatory fish, including perch and pike, are taken using live or dead fish baits or spinners, which are designed to imitate the movement and vibration of a small fish. The two standard techniques are float fishing, with the bait suspended above the river bed or laid on to it (float leger), or leger fishing with heavier end weights, when indication of a bite is given by movement of the rod-tip. Maggots are popular as hook bait, varying in size according to the fly, and stained different colors using vegetable dyes. The maggot changes to a chrysalid after a short time and becomes an equally popular hook bait known generally as a “caster”.
game fishing
The art of fly fishing is based on the ability to cast an imitation of the flies which form the main diet of trout, salmon, and other insectivorous species. The three main species of fly imitated, either during its underwater larval stage (wet-fly), or when it has hatched out and is winged (dry-fly), are Diptera or midges, especially the genus Chironomus, mayflies, and caddis or sedge flies.
sea fishing
Sea fishing can be from shore, pier, or boat. The main hook baits used are lugworm, ragworm, mussel, and fresh fish. Lures can also be used for flat-fish, bass, and mackerel. The use of a mixture fish and oil as ground bait is essential for shark fishing.
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1. The act of someone who fishes as a diversion.
2. The occupation of catching fish.

pêche | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodbotanika

Gros fruit très juteux ŕ noyau rugueux et ŕ peau duveteuse.

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imenicagpl peachesbot

ETYM Old Eng. peche, peshe, Old Fren. pesche, French pęche, from Late Lat. persia, Latin Persicum (sc. malum) a Persian apple, a peach. Related to Persian, and Parsee.
egular plural: peaches).
1. Cultivated in temperate regions; SYN. peach tree, Prunus persica.
2. Downy juicy fruit with sweet yellowish or whitish flesh.
Tree Prunus persica, family Rosaceae. It has ovate leaves and small, usually pink flowers. The yellowish edible fruits have thick velvety skins; the nectarine is a smooth-skinned variety.
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péché | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Transgression.
2. Faute.

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ETYM Old Eng. sinne, as. synn, syn.
1. An act that is regarded by theologians as a transgression of God's will; SYN. sinning.
2. Estrangement from god; SYN. sinfulness, wickedness.
3. The 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
4. (Colloquial) Violent and excited activity; SYN. hell.

Transgression of the will of God or the gods, as revealed in the moral code laid down by a particular religion. In Roman Catholic theology, a distinction is made between mortal sins, which, if unforgiven, result in damnation, and venial sins, which are less serious. In Islam, the one unforgivable sin is shirk, denial that Allah is the only god.
In Christian belief, humanity is in a state of original sin and therefore in need of redemption through the crucifixion of Jesus. The sacrament of penance is seen as an earthly means of atonement for sin. The seven deadly sins are the vices leading to sin.
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