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1. A contribution of money to a religious organization.
2. Something offered for sale or patronage
3. A course of instruction or study

oblation · offer



ETYM Old Eng. sacrifise, sacrifice, French sacrifice, from Latin sacrificium; sacer sacred + facere to make. Related to Sacred, and Fact.
1. The act of killing (an animal or person) in order to propitiate a deity; SYN. ritual killing.
2. A loss entailed by giving up or selling something at less than its value.
3. Personnel that are sacrificed during a military mission (e.g., surrendered or lost in order to gain an objective).
4. (In baseball) An out
that advances the base runners.
In religion, the act of sanctifying or dedicating an object to a god, as a religious act of self-denial. Through it the giver seeks to enter into communion with a supernatural being. In some religions, and especially in earlier times, an animal or a human being may be killed as a sacrifice (see human sacrifice). Many faiths today encourage believers to give up something they value as a sacrifice, or to give offerings of food.
The Hebrew Bible gives instructions for a number of different sacrifices in different circumstances, and also records Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac when God asked it of him (at the last moment God provided a ram to take Isaac's place). A similar story is found in Islam, with Ishmael as the intended victim. For Christians, the supreme sacrifice (compared with the sacrificial lamb of the Old Testament) was that of Jesus Christ giving himself to be killed on the cross.
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