maquis prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

maquis | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Végétation méditerranéenne (corse en particulier) adaptée ŕ la sécheresse et pratiquement impénétrable.
2. Dans 'prendre le maquis' : se cacher dans la forêt.
3. Ensemble touffu de lois, règlements, définitions, consignes qui parait indéchiffrable. Le maquis des normes européennes.
4. En France pendant l'occupation allemande lieu oů se réfugièrent les résistants, les réfractaires du travail obligatoire et l'organisation qui les soutenait. La France fut libérée par les alliés avec l'appui des maquis locaux.

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ETYM Old Eng. brusche, Old Fren. broche, broce, brosse, brushwood, French brosse brush, Late Lat. brustia, bruscia, from Old High Germ. brusta, brust, bristle, German borste bristle, bürste brush. Related to Bristle, Browse.
1. A dense growth of bushes; SYN. brushwood, coppice, copse, thicket.
2. A minor short-term fight; SYN. clash, encounter, skirmish.
3. An implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle.
4. A clump of fine wires that conducts current between rotating and stationary parts of a generator or motor.
5. Momentary contact; SYN. light touch.
6. The act of brushing one's hair or teeth; SYN. brushing.
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ETYM French résistance, Late Lat. resistentia, from resistens, -entis, p. pr. Related to Resist.
The ability to impede (resist) the flow of electric current. With the exception of superconductors, all substances have a greater or lesser degree of resistance. Substances with very low resistance, such as metals, conduct electricity well and are called conductors. Substances with very high resistance, such as glass and rubber, conduct electricity poorly and are called
nonconductors or insulators.
In physics, that property of a substance that restricts the flow of electricity through it, associated with the conversion of electrical energy to heat; also the magnitude of this property. Resistance depends on many factors, such as the nature of the material, its temperature, dimensions, and thermal properties; degree of impurity; the nature and state of illumination of the surface; and the frequency and magnitude of the current. The si unit of resistance is the ohm.
1. (Psychiatry) An unwillingness to bring repressed feelings into conscious awareness.
2. Any mechanical force that tends to retard or oppose motion.
3. Group action in opposition to those in power.
4. The action of opposing something that one disapproves or disagrees with; SYN. opposition.
5. The condition in which an organism can resist disease.
6. The military action of resisting the enemy's advance.
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A secret group organized to overthrow a government or occupation force; SYN. resistance.

metro · resistance · subwa · subway system · tube

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