maniérisme prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

maniérisme | francusko - engleski rečnik


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1. Manque de naturel.
2. Forme d'art de la Renaissance.

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ETYM Cf. French maniérisme.
In painting, sculpture, and architecture, a style characterized by a subtle but conscious breaking of the “rules” of classical composition—for example, displaying the human body in an off-center, distorted pose, and using harsh, non-blending colors. The term was coined by Giorgio Vasari and used to describe the 16th-century reaction to the peak of Renaissance Classicism. Strictly speaking, it refers to a style developed
by painters and architects working in Italy (primarily Rome and Florence) during the 1520s–90s, beginning with, and largely derived from, the later works of Michelangelo in painting and architecture. It includes the works of the painters Giovanni Rosso and Parmigianino, the architect Giulio Romano, and the sculptor Giambologna.
In both painting and architecture, Mannerist works have the effect of unsettling the viewer, who is expected to understand the norms that the painting or building is deliberately violating. The term has been extended to cover similar styles in other arts and in other countries; for example, the works of the Spanish painter El Greco and the French Fontainebleau School.
1. A tic or habitual gesture; a peculiar manner of acting.
2. Adherence to a peculiar style or manner; a characteristic mode of action, bearing, or treatment, carried to excess, especially in literature or art.
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