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1. Occultisme.
2. Illusionnisme.
3. Sortilège. Par magie.

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1. Magical actions.
2. Fancy or complicated actions

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ETYM Old Eng. magique, Latin magice, Greek magikos, from makos sorcerer. Related to Magic, and Magi.
Any art that invokes supernatural powers.
Art of controlling the forces of nature by supernatural means such as charms and ritual. The central ideas are that like produces like (sympathetic magic) and that influenc
e carries by contagion or association; for example, by the former principle an enemy could be destroyed through an effigy, by the latter principle through personal items such as hair or nail clippings. See also witchcraft.
Most early religious practices and much early art were rooted in beliefs in magical processes. There are similarities between magic and the use of symbolism in religious ritual. Under Christianity existing magical rites were either suppressed (although they survived in modified form in folk custom and superstition) or replaced by those of the church itself. Those still practising the ancient rites were persecuted as witches.
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ETYM Old Eng. sorcerie, Old Fren. sorcerie, from Old Fren. and French sorcier a sorcerer, Late Lat. sortiarius, from Latin sors, sortis, a lot, decision by lot, fate, destiny. Related to Sort.
The belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world; SYN. black magic, black art.



ETYM AS. wiccecraeft.
The art of sorcery; SYN. witchery.
The alleged possession and exercise of magical powers— black magic if used with evil intent, and white magic if benign. Its origins lie in traditional beliefs and religions. Practitioners of witchcraft have often had
considerable skill in, for example, herbal medicine and traditional remedies; this prompted the World Health Organization in 1976 to recommended the integration of traditional healers into the health teams of African states.
The Christian church persecuted witches in Europe between the 15th and 17th centuries and in North America (see Salem). The last official execution of a witch in Europe was that of Anna Goddi, hanged in Switzerland in 1782. Obi is the witchcraft of black Africa imported to the West Indies, and includes Christian elements; voodoo is a similar cult.
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