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ženski rodanatomija

Liquide organique.

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ETYM Latin lympha: cf. French lymphe.
A coagulable fluid containing white blood cells (lymphocytes) that is conveyed to the blood stream by lymphatic vessels.
Colorless bloodlike fluid containing leukocytes, conveying nourishment to, and collecting waste products from, tissues.
Fluid found in the lymphatic system of vertebrates.
Lymph is drained from the t
issues by lymph capillaries, which empty into larger lymph vessels (lymphatics). These lead to lymph nodes (small, round bodies chiefly situated in the neck, armpit, groin, thorax, and abdomen), which process the lymphocytes produced by the bone marrow, and filter out harmful substances and bacteria. From the lymph nodes, vessels carry the lymph to the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct, which drain into the large veins in the neck. Some vertebrates, such as amphibians, have a lymph heart, which pumps lymph through the lymph vessels.
It returns excess, filtered tissue fluid and some protein to the bloodstream. Lymph vessels also transport fat from the digestive tract to the blood. Lymph moves in one direction only; flaplike valves prevent backflow.
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Reč dana 05.10.2024.

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