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ETYM Latin diarium, from dies day. Related to Deity.
1. A daily written record of (usually personal) experiences and observations; SYN. journal.
2. A personal record book (as a physical object).
Informal record of day
-to-day events, observations, or reflections, usually not intended for a general readership. One of the earliest diaries extant is that of a Japanese noblewoman, the Kagero Nikki 954–974, and the earliest known diary in English is that of Edward VI (ruled 1547–53). Notable diaries include those of Samuel Pepys and Anne Frank.
The writer John Evelyn, the Quaker George Fox, and in the 20th century the writers André Gide and Katherine Mansfield were also diarists.
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ETYM French journal. Related to Journal.
1. A periodical dedicated to a particular subject.
2. A record book as a physical object.



1. A daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains news and articles and advertisements; SYN. paper.
2. Cheap paper made from wood pulp and used for printing newspapers; SYN. newsprint.
3. A newspaper as a physical object:; SYN. paper.
4. A business firm that publishes newspapers; SYN. paper, newspaper publisher.
A daily or weekly publication in the form of folded sheets containing news, illustrations, timely comments, and advertising. Newsheets became commercial undertakings after the invention of printing and were introduced 1609 in Germany, 1616 in the Netherlands. In 1620, the first newspaper in English appeared in the Netherlands. In England, Addison and Steele published the Tatler 1709–11 and the Spe
ctator 1711–12. The first newspaper in colonial America was Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick. It was planned as a monthly publication, but it was only published once, in Boston 1690. It was not until 1704 that another paper, the News-Letter, also published in Boston, appeared.
One of the earliest newspapers, the Roman Acta Diurna, said to have been started by the emperor Julius Caesar, contained handwritten announcements of marriages, deaths, military appointments, and so on, and was posted in public places. In colonial America, small newspapers were in abundance. By the time of the Revolutionary War, newspapers were used to give opinions from both sides; Thomas Paine’s first Crisis letters 1776 were published in the Pennsylvania Journal. Later, newspapers represented political parties; The Federalist essays were first published in the Independent Journal, while the National Gazette represented Republican views. From 1830, newspapers became more like they are today. News was presented along with human interest stories, crime and court happenings, and other things to attract readership.
Most newspapers are issued daily, but many are weeklies. There are almost 2,000 daily newspapers in the us today. The most well-known and most widely read newspapers are The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post. Newspapers such as the Wall Street Journal and Women’s Wear Daily are aimed at special interests and are widely read.
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ETYM French papier, from Latin papyrus papyrus, from which the Egyptians made a kind of paper, Greek. Related to Papyrus.
1. A material made of cellulose pulp derived mainly from wood or rags or certain grasses.
2. A scholarly article describing the results of observations or stating hypotheses.
3. Medium for written communication.
Thin, flexible material made in sheets from vegetable fibers (such as wood pulp) or rags and used for writing, drawing, printing, packaging, and various household needs. The name comes from papyrus, a form of writing materia
l made from water reed, used in ancient Egypt. The invention of true paper, originally made of pulped fishing nets and rags, is credited to Tsai Lun, Chinese minister of agriculture, AD 105.
Paper came to the West with Arabs who had learned the secret from Chinese prisoners of war in Samarkand in 768. It spread from Morocco to Moorish Spain and to Byzantium in the 11th century, then to the rest of Europe. All early paper was handmade within frames.
With the spread of literacy there was a great increase in the demand for paper. Production by hand of single sheets could not keep pace with this demand, which led to the invention, by Louis Robert (1761–1828) in 1799, of a machine to produce a continuous reel of paper. The process was developed and patented in 1801 by François Didot, Robert's employer. Today most paper is made from wood pulp on a Fourdrinier machine, then cut to size; some high grade paper is still made from esparto or rag. Paper products absorb 35% of the world's annual commercial wood harvest; recycling avoids some of the enormous waste of trees, and most papermakers plant and replant their own forests of fast-growing stock.
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