initiation prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

initiation | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

1. Admission ŕ la connaissance de certaines choses secrètes.
2. Se dit particulièrement de la cérémonie par laquelle on était initié ŕ la connaissance.
3. Au sens large : première expérience : initiation ŕ l'amour, ŕ la physique.

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ETYM Latin initiatio: cf. French initiation.
1. A formal entry into a position or office; SYN. induction, installation.
2. Starting something for the first time; SYN. founding, foundation, institution, origination, creation, instauration.



ETYM Latin introductio: cf. French introduction. Related to Introduce.
1. A basic or elementary instructional text.
2. A new proposal.
3. The first section of a communication.
In music, a section precedi
ng the main body of a work. Many symphonies of the 18th century featured a slow introduction (including works by Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven), and this practice was sometimes transferred to quartets and keyboard works, as in Beethoven’s Sonata Pathétique 1799. The introduction may be related motivically or thematically to the rest of the work, as in the Pathétique, or it may be more independent, as in Elgar’s Introduction and Allegro 1905 for strings. + prikaži više

creation · debut · entry · first appearance · foundation · founding · initiation · innovation · insertion · instauratio · institution · intro · intromission · launching · origination · presentation · unveiling + prikaži više

Reč dana 06.10.2024.

imenica, gpl radicesmath
glagol, elektrotehnika
ženski rod, železnica
glagol, gramatika