1. Characterized by careless unconcerned; SYN. reckless.
2. Marked by or paying little heed or attention
ETYM Cf. French inattentif.
1. Not paying attention; SYN. unobservant, unvigilant, unwatchful.
2. Not showing due care or attention; SYN. neglectful.
3. Showing a lack of attention.
4. Uninterested; bored.
5. Unwilling to hear; SYN. unheeding, unlistening, deaf to.
ETYM French négligent, Latin negligens,p. pr. of negligere. Related to Neglect.
1. Characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern.
2. Marked by insufficient care or attention.
ETYM Latin obliviosus: cf.French oblivieux.
(Followed by 'to' or 'of') Lacking conscious awareness of; SYN. unmindful.