homme prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

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muški rod

1. Être humain.
2. Individu.
3. Mortel.
4. Humain défini par son sexe.
5. Mâle.
6. Humain défini par son activité. Homme de loi.

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A human being.

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human being



homo · human · man



1. An individual human; especially; an adult male human; a man belonging to a particular category (as by birth, residence, membership, or occupation) — usually used in combination; husband ; lover; the human race; mankind; a bipedal primate mammal (Homo sapiens) that is anatomically related to the great apes but distinguished especially by notable development of the brain with a resultant capacity for articulate speech and abstract reasoning, is usually considered to form a variable number of freely interbreeding races, and is the sole living representative of the hominid family; broadly; any living or extinct hominid; one possessing in high degree the qualities considered distinctive of manhood; manliness; fellow, chap — used as mode of familiar address — used interjectionally to express intensity of feeling
2. Individual, person; the individual who can fulfill or who has been chosen to fulfill one's requirements
3. A feudal tenant; vassal; an adult male servant
4. One of the distinctive objects moved by each player in various board games; one of the players on a team
5. An alumnus of or student at a college or university
6 Christian Science; the compound idea of infinite Spirit; the spiritual image and likeness of God; the full representation of Mind
7. One extremely fond of or devoted to something specified
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ETYM AS. mancynn. Related to Kin kindred, Kind.
1. The human race; man, taken collectively.
2. Men, as distinguished from women; the male portion of human race.
3. Human feelings; humanity.

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ETYM Old Eng. persone, persoun, person, parson, Old Fren. persone, French personne, Latin persona a mask (used by actors), a personage, part, a person, from personare to sound through; per + sonare to sound. Related to Per-, Parson.
(Irregular plural: people).
1. A grammatical category of pronouns and verb forms.
2. A human being; SYN. individual, someone, somebody, mortal, human, soul.
3. A person's body (usually including their clothing).
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individual · mortal · somebody · someone · soul

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