Goth prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

Goth | francusko - engleski rečnik


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One of the Teutonic people who invaded the Roman Empire in the 3rd to 5th centuries.
E Germanic people who settled near the Black Sea around AD 2nd century. There are two branches, the eastern Ostrogoths and the western Visigoths. The Ostr
ogoths were conquered by the Huns 372. They regained their independence 454 and under Theodoric the Great conquered Italy 488–93; they disappeared as a nation after the Byzantine emperor Justinian I reconquered Italy 535–55.
The Visigoths migrated to Thrace. Under Alaric they raided Greece and Italy 395–410, sacked Rome, and established a kingdom in S France. Expelled from there by the Franks, they established a Spanish kingdom which lasted until the Moorish conquest of 711.
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