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ETYM From Break.
1. Not whole; not continuous in space, time, or sequence or varying abruptly.
2. Out of working order; ('busted' is an informal substitute for 'broken' as in); SYN. busted.
3. Physically and forcibly separated into pieces or cracked or split; or legally or emotionally
4. Lacking a part or parts.
5. Imperfectly spoken or written.
6. Destroyed financially; SYN. wiped out, impoverished.
7. Subdued or brought low in condition or status; SYN. crushed, humbled, humiliated, low.
8. (Meteorology) Discontinuous.
9. Weakened and infirm.
10. Topographically very uneven; SYN. rugged.
11. Thrown into a state of disarray or confusion; SYN. confused, disordered, upset.
12. Tamed or trained to obey; SYN. broken in.
13. (Especially of promises or contracts) Having been violated or disregarded; SYN. unkept.
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broken in · broken-field · busted · confused · crushed · damaged · dashed · destroyed · discontinuous · disordered · disorganised · disorganized · distributed · dotted · fitful · halting · humble · humbled · humiliated · impaired · imperfect · impoverished · incomplete · injured · interrupted · low · noncontinuous · off-and-on · rough · rugged · tame · tamed · uncomplete · unkept · unsmooth · unsound · upset · wiped out + prikaži više

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