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A contact sport played between two teams of 11 players with an inflated, pointed-oval ball. It is played on a field 100 yd/91 m long from goal line to goal line, with goal posts on each of these lines, followed by a 10-yd/9-m end zone. The field is 53.3 yd/48.8 m wide. The team that scores the most points wins. Points are scored by running or passing the ball across the goal line (touchdown), by kicking it over the goal's crossbar after a touchdown (conversion or point after touchdown) or from the field during regular play (field goal), or by tackling an offensive player who has the ball in the end zone or blocking an offensive team's kick so it goes out of bounds from the end zone (safety). A touchdown counts 6 points, a field goal 3, a safety 2, and a conversion 1. Teams may attempt a 2-point conversion after a touchdown by running or passing the ball into the end zone. College and professional games consist of four 15-min quarters; high-school quarters are 12 min long. Players wear padded uniforms and helm
A game begins with one team kicking off to the other. Kickoffs also take place after each touchdown and field goal and to start the second half of the game. The team that receives the ball becomes the offensive team; the other is the defensive team. Led by its quarterback, the offensive team tries to advance the ball by running with it or by passing it to
an eligible teammate. A team must advance the ball at least 10 yd in four attempts (called downs), thereby achieving a “first down” and earning another four attempts, or surrender the ball to the other team. Each play begins with the center snapping the ball to a teammate in the offensive backfield. If a first down has not been achieved after three downs, the offensive team usually kicks (punts) the ball to the other team. The offensive team may lose the ball immediately if the player carrying the ball loses control of it (fumbles) and it is recovered by a defensive player, or if a pass is caught in the air (interception) by a defensive player. Generally, se
parate groups of players on each team play offense and defense. Offensive players try to protect the person carrying or throwing the ball by blocking defensive players. The defensive players attempt to tackle the player with the ball. A play ends when the player with the ball is tackled or goes out of bounds, when a pass is incomplete, when possession of the ball changes, or when there is a score. The game is supervised by the referee, who usually has several other officials assisting him. Infractions of the rules result in penalties against the team whose player has broken the rule. Penalties result in a loss of yards, loss of a down, or–in rare cases–expulsion of a player from the game. history American football developed in the 19th century as a combination of soccer and rugby. The first intercollegiate game was played between Princeton and Rutgers 1869. Modern football evolved in the 1880s as eastern colleges gradually adopted rules similar to those now in use. In the early 20th century, rules were passed
to reduce violence and to allow the forward pass. The popularity of college football, which has continued unabated to the present, led to the formation of professional teams from the 1890s. What is now the National Football League (NFL) was founded 1920. Although there have been other professional leagues, the NFL has remained dominant. The NFL struggled for many years but gradually established itself in large cities; explosive growth occurred after World War II as attendance rose and television broadcasts added millions of fans. Another surge of popularity followed the merger of the American Football League (AFL) into the NFL, completed 1970. There are now 30 teams in the NFL, divided into the American and National conferences, each having Eastern, Central, and Western divisions. The champions of the two conferences meet in a title game called the Super Bowl.
1. Any of various games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other's goal.
2. The inflated oblong ball used in playing American football.
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football game



A football game in which two teams of 11 players try to kick or head a ball into the opponents' goal; SYN. association football.
Or footballl; Ball game originating in the UK, popular in Europe, the Middle East, and North and South America. It is played between two teams each of 11 players, on a field 100–130 yd/90–120 m long and 50–100 yd/45–90 m wide, with a spherical, inflated (traditionally leather) ball, circumference 27 in/0.69 m. The object of the game is to send the ball with the feet or head into the opponents' goal, an area 8 yd/7.31 m wide and 8 ft/2.44 m high.
A team is broadly divided into defense (the goalkeeper and defenders), midfield (whose players collect the ball from the defense and distribute it to the attackers), and attack (forward or strikers). The number of players assigned to each role
varies according to the tactics adopted, but a typical formation is 4–4–2 (four defenders, excluding goalkeeper, four midfield, and two forward).
The field has a halfway line marked with a center circle, two penalty areas, and two goal areas. Corner kicks are taken from the nearest 1 m/1 yd area at each corner of the field, when the ball goes behind the goal-line off a defender. A ball kicked over the sidelines is thrown in by one of the opposing side. Only the goalkeeper is allowed to touch the ball with the hands and only then in an assigned penalty area.
For major offenses committed within the defenders' penalty area, a penalty kick may be awarded by the referee to the attacking team.
This is taken 11 m/12 yd from the goal center, with only the goalkeeper inside the area and standing still on the goal-line.
The game is started from the center spot. At the adult level, it is played for two periods of 45 minutes each, the teams changing ends at half-time; for younger players the games are shorter. The game is controlled by a referee; two linesmen bring rule infringements to the referee's attention.
Played in England from the 14th century, soccer developed in the 19th century and the first set of rules were drawn up at Cambridge University 1848. The modern game is played in the UK according to the rules laid down by the Football Association, founded 1863.
There are slight differences in the rules of the sport's world governing body, Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA, 1904), whose rules are followed in the US. FIFA organizes the competitions for the World Cup, held every four years from 1930.
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ballon rond · football
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