1. Inévitable. Enchaînement fatal.
2. Mortel. Erreur fatale.
1. (Of a disease) Having a rapid course and violent effect.
2. (Theology) Involving loss of divine grace or spiritual death; SYN. mortal.
3. Causing or capable of causing death; SYN. deathly, mortal.
4. Extremely poisonous or injurious; producing venom; SYN. venomous, virulent.
5. Of an instrument of certain death; SYN. lethal.
ETYM Latin fatalis, from fatum: cf. French fatal. Related to Fate.
1. Bringing death.
2. Controlled or decreed by fate; predetermined; SYN. fateful.
ETYM Latin inevitabilis: cf. French inévitable. Related to In- not, and Evitable.
1. Incapable of being avoided or prevented.
2. Invariably occurring or appearing.
ETYM Latin lethalis, letalis, from lethum, letum, death: cf. French léthal.
Deadly; mortal; fatal.