enchaînement prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

enchaînement | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Action de mettre dans les chaînes, résultat de l'action.
2. Ensemble, réunion de choses qui s'enchaînent comme les causes et les effets.
3. Épreuve gymnique composée de mouvements enchaînés.
4. (Ballet) suite de pas formant un tout.
5. (Musique) Suite de deux accords dont l'un appelle l'autre.

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ETYM French chaîne, from Latin catena. Related to Catenate.
Unit of length equal to 20 metres.
1. A series of (usually metal) rings or links fitted into one another to make a flexib
le ligament.
2. A number of similar establishments (stores or restaurants or banks or hotels or theaters) under one ownership.
3. A series of things depending on each other as if linked together; SYN. concatenation.
4. Anything that acts as a restraint.
5. A series of linked atoms (generally in an organic molecule); SYN. chemical chain.
6. A unit of length.
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Chain · Ernst Boris Chain · Sir Ernst Boris Chain · chain of mountains · chemical chain · concatenation · mountain chain · mountain range · range · range of mountains · strand · string + prikaži više



1. In computers, the linking of two or more entities so that they are dependent upon one another for operation.
2. In programming, the linking of two or more programs so that the first program causes the second program to begin executing.
3. In programming, linking program statements so
that each statement, except for the first, relies on the previous statement for input.
4. With batch files, linking two or more batch files so that the completion of the first batch file causes the second batch file to begin executing. 5. With data storage, linking two or more individual units of storage. For example, a single file on a disk may actually be stored on several different sectors of the disk, each of which points to the next sector containing a piece of that file. These sectors are said to be chained together, or, more literally, to be a chain of clusters. 6. See daisy chaining.
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ETYM French séquence, Latin sequentia, from sequens. Related to Sequent.
1. A following of one thing after another in time; SYN. chronological sequence, succession, successiveness, chronological successi
2. A succession of related shots that develop a given subject in a film; SYN. episode.
3. Arrangement in which things follow in logical order or a recurrent pattern.
4. Several repetitions of a melodic phrase in different keys.
In music, a device allowing key modulation favored by early keyboard composers in which a phrase is repeated sequentially, each time transposing to a different key.
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chronological sequence · chronological succession · episode · succession · successiveness

Reč dana 06.10.2024.

imenica, gpl radicesmath
glagol, elektrotehnika
ženski rod, železnica
glagol, gramatika