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muški rodmedicina

1. Égarement d'esprit causé par une maladie mentale qui fait percevoir la réalité de façon erronée (délire de la persécution) : égarement d'esprit passager. Il sort de l'anesthésie, il délire.
2. (Populaire) Folie, démesure. C'est plus de l'admiration, c'est du délire.

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imenicagpl deliriamed

ETYM Latin, from delirare to rave, to wander in mind, prop., to go out of the furrow in plowing; de- + lira furrow, track; perh. akin to German geleise track, rut, and Eng. last to endure.
State of excitement and mental confusion often acco
mpanied by hallucinations.
In medicine, a state of acute confusion in which the subject is incoherent, frenzied, and out of touch with reality. It is often accompanied by delusions or hallucinations.
Delirium may occur in feverish illness, some forms of mental illness, brain disease, and as a result of drug or alcohol intoxication. In chronic alcoholism, attacks of delirium tremens (DTs), marked by hallucinations, sweating, trembling, and anxiety, may persist for several days.
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Reč dana 06.10.2024.

imenica, gpl radicesmath
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