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1. Être suprême.
2. Créateur.
3. Providence. Ŕ la grâce de Dieu.

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ETYM Old Eng. deite, French déité, from Latin deitas, from deus a god.
Any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force; SYN. divinity, god, immortal.

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ETYM French divinité, Latin divinitas. Related to Divine.
1. The quality of being divine.
2. White creamy fudge made with egg whites; SYN. divinity fudge.

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ETYM AS. god; akin to OS. and Dutch god, Old High Germ. got, German gott, Icel. guth, goth, Swed. and Dan. gud, Goth. gup, prob. orig. a p. p. from a root appearing in Skr. hű, p. p. hűta, to call upon, invoke, implore.
The supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe; the object of worship in m
onotheistic religions; Also called: Supreme Being.
The concept of a supreme being, a unique creative entity, basic to several monotheistic religions (for example Judaism, Christianity, Islam); in many polytheistic cultures (for example Norse, Roman, Greek), the term “god” refers to a supernatural being who personifies the force behind an aspect of life (for example Neptune, Roman god of the sea).
Since the 17th century, advances in science and the belief that the only valid statements were those verifiable by the senses have had a complex influence on the belief in God. (See also monotheism, polytheism, deism, theism, and pantheism.).
A man of such superior qualities that he seems like a deity to other people.
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