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charme | francusko - engleski rečnik


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1. Attrait ; aspect curieux, séduisant de qqn, de qqch. Cette ville a du charme.
2. Ce qu'on suppose fait par art magique pour produire un effet extraordinaire ; sorcellerie.

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The power to entice or attract through personal charm; SYN. allurement, temptingness.

allurement · temptingness


imenicapravo (nauka)

In law, an application for a rehearing of all or part of an issue that has already been dealt with by a lower court or tribunal.
The outcome can be a new decision on all or part of the points raised, or the previous decision may be upheld. In criminal cases, an appeal may be against conviction and either the prosecution or the defense may appeal against sentence.
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ETYM French charme, from Latin carmen song, verse, incantation, for casmen, akin to Skr. çasman, çasâ, a laudatory song, from a root signifying to praise, to sing.
Something believed to bring good luck; SYN. good luck charm.
In physics, a property possessed by one type of quark (very small particles found inside protons and neutrons), called the charm quark. The effects of charm are only seen in experiments with particle accelerators. See elementary particles.
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ETYM French enchantement.
1. A magical spell; SYN. bewitchment.
2. A psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation; SYN. spell, trance.

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ETYM French grâce, Latin gratia, from gratus beloved, dear, agreeable; Skr. hary to desire, and Eng. yearn. Related to Grateful, Gratis.
(religion) In Christianity and Sikhism, a free or unmerited gift or privilege bestowed by God, whose favor, or revealing of himself, cannot be earned or attained by human e
fforts. In Christian thinking, grace also stands for God's presence in human history. In the Orthodox Church it refers to human participation in the divine life, whereas the Western church understands it more in terms of the power to heal humanity from its defects.
1. A disposition to kindness and compassion; benign good will; SYN. good will, goodwill.
2. A short prayer of thanks before a meal; SYN. blessing, thanksgiving.
3. A state of sanctification by God; SYN. state of grace.
4. Elegance and beauty of movement or expression; SYN. gracility.
5. Free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God.
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