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muški rodriba

Poisson d'eau douce, qui a la chair blanche et ferme, la tête longue, et les dents pointues.

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Highly valued lean-fleshed northern fish.
Any of several elongate long-snouted freshwater game and food fishes widely distributed in cooler parts of the northern hemisphere.r /> Any of a family Esocidae in the order Salmoniformes, of slender, freshwater bony fishes with narrow pointed heads and sharp, pointed teeth. The northern pike Esox lucius, of North America and Eurasia, may reach 2.2 m/7 ft and 9 kg/20 lb.
Other kinds of pike include muskellunges, up to 2.2 m/7 ft long, and the smaller pickerels, both in the genus Esox.
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