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ETYM French, from Latin profectus advance, progress, profit, from profectum. Related to Proficient.
(Homonym: prophet).
The advantageous quality of being beneficial; SYN. gain.
Amount by which total revenue exceeds total cost. It is the reward for risk-taking for stockholders in a business organizati
on. Gross profit is the difference between sales revenue and the direct cost of production. Net profit is total revenue minus total direct and indirect cost (for example, overheads, the cost of running the business).
Normal profit is the profit needed to keep a firm from switching its resources into the production of other goods and services. Abnormal profit is profit earned over and above normal profit. Pre-tax profit is profit before corporation tax and any other taxes on profit have been paid; post-tax profit is profit after tax. Retained profit is profit not distributed to stockholders but kept back to invest in the business.
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bénef | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

(Familier) Bénéfice.

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