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armature | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

Assemblage de différentes barres ou liens de métal pour soutenir ou contenir les parties d'un ouvrage de maçonnerie, de charpenterie, de mécanique, d'un modèle de sculpture de terre, etc.

armure · assemblage · base · bâti · carcasse · charpente · cintre · fondation · ossature · soutien · squelette · structure · support · texture · treillis · tuteur · échafaudage + prikaži više
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ETYM Latin armatura, from armare to arm: cf. French armature. Related to Arm, v. t., Armor.
In which voltage is induced by motion through a magnetic field.
Armament; Botany, Zoology, defensive outgrowth; Electricity, piece of iron placed on poles of permanent magnet;
piece of iron whose movement, due to magnetic attraction, actuates apparatus or machinery; rotating part of dynamo or electric motor; stationary part of revolving field alternator; framework for sculpture.
In a motor or generator, the wire-wound coil that carries the current and rotates in a magnetic field. (In alternating-current machines, the armature is sometimes stationary.) The pole piece of a permanent magnet or electromagnet and the moving, iron part of a solenoid, especially if the latter acts as a switch, may also be referred to as armatures.
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ETYM Written also carcase.
(Irregular plural: carcasses).
1. A dead body, whether of man or beast; a corpse; now co
mmonly the dead body of a beast.
2. The living body; -- commonly used in contempt or ridicule.
3. The abandoned and decaying remains of some bulky and once comely thing, as a ship; the skeleton, or the uncovered or unfinished frame, of a thing.
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frame frame


1. Something composed of parts fitted together and united
2. The physical makeup of an animal and especially a human body; physique, figure
3. The underlying constructional system or structure that gives shape or strength (as to a building)
4. A
frame dwelling
5. A machine built upon or within a framework
6. An open case or structure made for admitting, enclosing, or supporting something
7. A part of a pair of glasses that holds one of the lenses
9. A structural unit in an automobile chassis supported on the axles and supporting the rest of the chassis and the body
10. An enclosing border; the matter or area enclosed in such a border
11. One of a series of still transparent photographs on a strip of film used in making movies.
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(Homonym: wrack).
1. A support for displaying various articles; SYN. stand.
2. Framework for holding objects.
3. A
n instrument of torture that stretches, disjoints or mutilates victims; SYN. wheel.
4. Rib section of a forequarter of veal or pork or especially lamb or mutton.
5. A rapid gait of a horse in which each foot strikes the ground separately; SYN. single-foot.
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single-foot · stand · wheel · wrack

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