aplomb prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

aplomb | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Équilibre.
1. Verticalité. Prendre l'aplomb d'une muraille.
2. (Au figuré) Assurance.
2. (Au figuré) Culot, audace. Vous ne manquez pas d'aplomb.
3. (Familier) Culot. Il ne manque pas d'aplomb.

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ETYM French, lit. perpendicularity; a to + plomb lead. Related to Plumb.
Great coolness and composure under strain; SYN. assuredness, cool, poise, sang-froid, self-possession.
Composure, self-possession.

assuredness · cool · poise · sang-froid



ETYM Old Eng. stile, French style, Of. also stile, Latin stilus a style or writing instrument, manner or writing, mode of expression; probably for stiglus, meaning, a pricking instrument, and akin to Eng. stick.
(Homonym: stile).
1. A particular kind (as to appearance).
2. A slender bristlelike or tubular
3. The narrow elongated part of the pistil between the ovary and the stigma.
In flowers, the part of the carpel bearing the stigma at its tip. In some flowers it is very short or completely lacking, while in others it may be long and slender, positioning the stigma in the most effective place to receive the pollen.
Usually the style withers after fertilization but in certain species, such as rock clematis Clematis verticillaris, it develops into a long feathery plume that aids dispersal of the fruit.
Ancient writing instrument with one sharp and one blunt end; Botany stalklike outgrowth of ovary bearing stigma.
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Reč dana 06.10.2024.

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