Nut prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

nut | englesko - srpski rečnik



ETYM Old Eng. nute, note, as. hnutu; akin to Dutch noot, German nuss, Old High Germ. nuz, Icel. hnot, Swed. nöt, Dan. nöd.
1. A small square or hexagonal metal block with internal screw thread to be fitted on
to a bolt.
2. A hard problem or undertaking; core, heart.
3. A perforated block usually of metal that has an internal screw thread and is used on a bolt or screw for tightening or holding something.
4. The ridge in a stringed instrument (as a violin) over which the strings pass on the upper end of the fingerboard.
5. A small lump (as of butter).
6. A foolish, eccentric, or crazy person; enthusiast.

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nut | englesko - srpski rečnik



Large, hard-shelled seed, usually coming from a tree.
Any dry, single-seeded fruit that does not split open to release the seed, such as the chestnut. A nut is formed from more than one carpel, but only one seed becomes fully formed, the remainder aborting. The wall of the fruit, the pericarp, becomes hard and woody, forming the outer shell.
Examples of true nuts are the ac
orn and hazelnut. The term also describes various hard-shelled fruits and seeds, including almonds and walnuts, which are really the stones of drupes, and brazil nuts and shelled peanuts, which are seeds. The kernels of most nuts provide a concentrated, nutritious food, containing vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, about 50% fat, and 10–20% protein, although a few, such as chestnuts, are high in carbohydrates and have only a moderate protein content of 5%. Nuts also provide edible and industrial oils. Most nuts are produced by perennial trees and shrubs. Whereas the majority of nuts are obtained from plantations, considerable quantities of pecans and brazil nuts are still collected from the wild. World production in the mid-1980s was about 4 million metric tons per year.

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nemački · francuski


muški rodbotanika

Vrsta koštunjavog ploda.


muški rodbotanika

[Juglans regia] Koštunjav plod, vodi poreklo iz Azije iz koje je davno prenet u Evropu. Pošto je skriven u ljusci, u mnogim narodima simboliše mudrost i predstavlja simbol plodnosti i sreće, zbog čega su stari Grci i Rimljani mladence zasipali orasima. Danas je ovo listopadno drvo perastih listova rasprostranjeno po celom svetu, a cenjeno je kako zbog plodova tako i zbog kvalitetne drvne građe. + prikaži više

Nut | englesko - srpski rečnik


ženski rodmitologija

Goddess of the sky.

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nemački · francuski

nut | englesko - srpski rečnik



In music, on a string instrument, the ridge at one end of the fingerboard, next to the peg box, which raises the strings from the surface of the fingerboard. On some instruments, such as the ukulele, there is a movable nut, which raises the pitch of the entire instrument.
A nut is also the part of a bow which secures the horsehair and, by incorporating a screw mechanism, allows the tension of the hairs to be adjusted.

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nemački · francuski

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To gather nuts.

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nemački · francuski

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