ETYM Cf. as. cypa a measure, Dutch kuip tub, Icel. kupa bowl, German kufe coop tub; all from Latin cupa vat, tub, Late Lat. cupa, copa, cup. Related to Cup, Keeve.
1. A barrel or cask for liquor.
2. An inclosure for keeping small animals; a pen; especially, a grated box for confining poultry.
1. Sanduk sa rešetkema za transportovanje divljih životinja;
2. Kutija sa žicama za držanje ptica, krletka;
3. Rešetke na prozorima starinskih kuća. (tur.)
Tamnica, uze, haps, robija.
One of seven new top-level domain names approved in 2000 by the Internet Corporation for AssignedNames and Numbers (ICANN), .coop is meant for use with the Web sites of nonprofit cooperatives. The seven new domain names became available for use in the spring of 2001.
1. To confine in a restricted and often crowded area — usually used with up
2. To place or keep in a coop; pen — often used with up