caricature prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

caricature | englesko - srpski rečnik



ETYM Italian caricatura, from caricare to charge, overload, exaggerate. Related to Charge.
A representation of a person that is exaggerated for comic effect; SYN. imitation, impersonation.
In the arts or literature, an exaggerated portrayal of an individual or type, aiming to ridicule or otherwise expose the subject. Classical and medieval examples of pictorial caricatures su
rvive. Artists of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries have often used caricature as a way of satirizing society and politics. Notable exponents include the French artist Honoré Daumier and the German George Grosz. In literature, caricatures have appeared since the comedies of Aristophanes in ancient Greece. Shakespeare and Dickens were adept at creating caricatures.
Grotesque drawings have been discovered in Pompeii and Herculaneum, and Pliny refers to a grotesque portrait of the poet Hipponax.
Humorous drawings were executed by the Carracci family and their Bolognese followers (the Italian “eclectic” school of the 16th century). In 1830, Charles Philipon (1800–1862) founded in Paris La Caricature, probably the first periodical to specialize in caricature.

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nemački · francuski


ženski rod

U književnosti, naročito u likovnim umetnostima, prvenstveno u slikarstvu: veoma razvijen način prikazivanja neke ličnosti, nekog događanja ili predmeta, u kome se karakteristične osobine namerno toliko preuveličavaju da celina, i pored sličnosti, izaziva osećanje smešnoga; fig. nakaza, nagrda, rugoba, nakarada, ruglo. (ital.)

caricature | englesko - srpski rečnik



To represent in or produce a caricature of; SYN. ape.

Prevedi caricature na:

nemački · francuski



Praviti karikature; unakaziti, nagrditi; preuvelličavati izvesne osobine kod koga ili čega radi ismevanja; pretovariti; trg. opteretiti nekoga menicama; pr. karikiran. (ital.)

Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, životinja