.bak prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

.bak | englesko - srpski rečnik



An auxiliary file, created either automatically or upon command, that contains the second-most-recent version of a file and that bears the same file name, with the extension .bak. See also backup.

Još sličnih reči

back | backy | bag | baggy | bake | Baku | BBC | BC | beak | beaky | beck | beg | bego | bick | bicky | big | bigg | biggie | bike | bikie | bikky | Biko | biog | Bk | BOAC | bock | bog | boggy | bokay | boke | boko | book | bookie | booky | buck | buckie | bucko | bug | buggy | 2000 bug

Reč dana 08.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
ženski rod, hemija
imenica, gramatika
muški rod, hemija