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ETYM AS. cyng, cyning; akin to OS. kuning, Dutch koning, Old High Germ. kuning, German könig, Icel. konungr, Swed. konung, Dan. konge; formed with a patronymic ending, and from the root of Eng. kin; cf. Icel. konr a man of noble birth. Related to Kin.
1. A male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom; SYN. male monarch.
2. A competitor who holds a preeminent position; SYN. world-beater.
3. One of the four playing cards in a deck bearing the picture of a king.

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ženski rodšah

(Schach) Im Schachspiel die Königin; im frz. Kartenspiel die dritthöchste Karte, zw. König u. Bube.
Brettspiel, bei dem 2 Spieler mit je 12 Steinen auf einem Schachbrett auf den schwarzen Feldern
vorwärtsziehen, wobei gegner. Steine übersprungen und geschlagen werden können; Ziel, die gegenüberliegende Grundlinie zu erreichen und den erfolgreichen Stein in eine D. (Doppelstein) umzuwandeln, die rückwärts und vorwärts ziehen und schlagen kann.
(Brettspiel) Brettspiel auf dem Schachbrett zw. 2 Spielern mit je 12 Steinen, die auf den schwarzen Feldern schräg gegeneinander gezogen werden.
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muški rodgramatika

(althochdt. kuning 'aus vornehmen Geschlecht stammender Mann')Herrschertitel; an Würde, Rang und Bereich (nicht immer an Machtstellung) dem Kaiser nachgeordnet. In german. Zeit war der K. das Oberhaupt eines Stammes, zumeist aus höchster Adelsfamilie stammend. Die K.wahl erfolgte noch bis ins hohe Mittelalter im Dt. Reich auf der Basis des Geblütsrechts, erst seit dem Interregnum (1254/1273) setzte sich das Wahlrecht der Kurfürsten durch, das 1356 in der Goldenen Bulle fixiert wurde und bis 1806 gültig blieb. - Das K.tum (Monarchie) anderer Völker war nicht ohne weiteres dem dt. K.tum gleichartig; es ging auf verschiedene Wurzeln zurück (bei Nomadenvölkern auf das Hirtenamt, in Ägypten, China, Israel auf Priester- oder Heerführeramt); seit dem 18. Jh. bedurfte die Anerkennung als K. im allg. internat. Zustimmung. + prikaži više

Herrscher · Hoheit · Königin · Monarch · Potentat · Regent · Schah + prikaži više
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muški rodlično ime

(1874-1950) Canadian Liberal prime minister 1921–26, 1926–30, and 1935–48. He maintained the unity of the English-and French-speaking populations, and was instrumental in establishing equal status for Canada with Britain.

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(1946-) US writer of best-selling horror novels with small-town or rural settings. Many of his works have been filmed, including Carrie 1974, The Shining 1978, and Christine 1983.
His recent novels include It and The Tommyknockers (both 1987), The Dark Half 1989, and Dolores Claiborne1992. He has also published three volumes of short stories, several screenplays, and a number of novels under the pseudonym Richard Bachman.

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(1758-1808) English naval officer and colonial administrator in Australia, governor of New South Wales 1800–06. He was appointed second lieutenant on the First Fleet flagship, HMS Sirius, in 1796 and after the arrival in New South Wales was commandant of Norfolk Island 1788–90. He succeeded Hunter as governor, continuing his work of controlling the liquor traffic and quelling disturbances caused by Irish political prisoners. Settlements at Newcastle, Hobart, and Launceston were established during his governorship and Port Phillip was discovered. In 1803 he allowed the government printer to publish the Sydney Gazette. He retired because of friction with the military.

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(1878-1956) US admiral. Commander in chief of the US Fleet Dec 1941, in March 1942 he also became chief of naval operations and was later a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Anglo-US Combined Chiefs of Staff. Promoted to fleet admiral 1944, he organized and directed the naval forces in the Pacific; he was always reluctant to divert any resources to any other theater and his efforts to obtain the most supplies for his Pacific Forces often caused problems in the European theater.

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(born Moffitt) (1943-) US tennis player. She won a record 20 Wimbledon titles 1961–79 and 39 Grand Slam titles. She won the Wimbledon singles title six times, the US Open singles title four times, the French Open once, and the Australian Open once.
Her first Wimbledon title was the doubles with Karen Han
tze 1961, and her last, also doubles, with Martina Navratilova 1979. Her 39 Grand Slam wins at singles and doubles are third only to Navratilova and Margaret Court.
singles: 1966–68, 1972–73, 1975
doubles: 1961–62, 1965, 1967–68, 1970–73, 1979
mixed: 1967, 1971, 1973–74
US Open
singles: 1967, 1971–72, 1974
doubles: 1964, 1967, 1974, 1978, 1980
mixed: 1967, 1971, 1973, 1976
French Open
singles: 1972
doubles: 1972
mixed: 1967, 1970
Australian Open
singles: 1968
mixed: 1968

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(Riley) (1925-) US blues guitarist, singer, and songwriter. One of the most influential electric-guitar players, he became an international star in the 1960s. His albums include Blues Is King 1967, Lucille Talks Back 1975, and Blues ’n’ Jazz 1983.

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Adopted name of Albert Nelson (1923-1992)
US blues guitarist and singer. His ringing style influenced numerous ro
ck guitarists. His recordings for the Stax label, such as ‘Born Under a Bad Sign’ and ‘Crosscut Saw’ (both 1967), became classics and made him popular beyond the blues circuit. His playing also shows psychedelic and funk influences.

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(1929-1968) American civil rights leader and winner of the Noble Peace Price (1964). He was assassinated in 1968.

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Weakest but most important chess piece.

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City in North Carolina (USA); zip code 27021.

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1. To supply with a king; to make a king of; to raise to royalty.
2. (Checkers) To raise a checker to the status of king, allowing it to move both backwards and forwards.

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