Genet prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

genet | englesko - nemački rečnik



Agile Old World viverrine having a spotted coat and long ringed tail; SYN. Genetta genetta.
Civetlike animal; its spotted fur.
nocturnal, meat-eating mammal, genus Genetta, in the mongoose and civet family (Viverridae). Most species live in Africa, but G. genetta is also found in Europe and the Middle East. It is about 50 cm/1.6 ft long with a 45 cm/1.5 ft tail, and grayish yellow with rows of black spots. It climbs well.

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Citizen Genet · Edmund Charles Edouard Genet · Genet · Genetta genetta · Jean Genet


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Genet | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1910-1986) French dramatist, novelist, and poet. His turbulent life and early years spent in prison are reflected in his drama, characterized by ritual, role-play, and illusion, in which his characters come to act out their bizarre and violent fantasies. His plays include Les Bonnes/The Maids 1947, Le Balcon/The Balcony 1957, and two plays dealing with the Algerian situation: Les Nčgres/The Blacks 1959 and Les Paravents/The Screens 1961. His best-known novels include Notre Dame des fleurs/Our Lady of the Flowers 1944 and Miracle de la rose/Miracle of the Rose 1946.

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