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1. A skin sore caused by chafing.
2. Abnormal swelling of plant tissue caused by insects or microorganisms or injury.
Abnormal outgrowth on a plant that develops as a result of attack b
y insects or, less commonly, by bacteria, fungi, mites, or nematodes. The attack causes an increase in the number of cells or an enlargement of existing cells in the plant. Gall-forming insects generally pass the early stages of their life inside the gall.
Gall wasps are responsible for the conspicuous bud galls forming on oak trees, 2.5–4 cm/1–1.5 in across, known as “oak apples”.

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ženski rodgramatikaanatomija

Die Leber bildet die Galle und gibt diese an die Gallenblase ab. Dort wird die Galle eingedickt und bis zu ihrer Ausschüttung in den Dünndarm gespeichert.
Wichtiger Bestandteil der Galle sind die Gallensäuren, di
e die Fette des Speisebreies emulgieren (Emulgator) und damit verdaubar machen.
Von der Leber produzierte Flüssigkeit, die der Verdauung v.a. von Fetten dient. Etwa 1 l dieser gelbgrünen und bitteren Flüssigkeit wird tägl. von der Leber abgesondert und z.T. in der Gallenblase gespeichert und eingedickt und schließl. in den Zwölffingerdarm abgegeben. Die G. enthält Gallensäuren, die in der Leber aus Cholesterin gebildet werden.
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muški rodlično ime

(1758-1828) Austrian anatomist, instigator of the discredited theory of phrenology.

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(c. 1840-1894) American Sioux Indian leader. He became a noted warrior of the Hunkpapa Sioux and a protégé of Chief Sitting Bull. Gall accompanied Sitting Bull to Montana 1876 and led the encirclement and annihilation of General Custer's force at Little Bighorn.
Born along the Moreau river in the Dakota Territory, Gall participated in raids against the US Army along the Bozeman Trail and opposed the Treaty of Fort Laramie 1868, which established the reservation system in the N plains. After Custer's last stand 1876, he escaped to Canada with Sitting Bull and later settled on a reservation, becoming an Indian judge.

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To irritate or vex; SYN. irk.

chafe · fret · irk
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