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Clearly manifest; evident.

blunt · candid · direct · forthright · free-spoken · obvious · outspoken · plainspoken · point-blank · straight-from-the-shoulder + prikaži više
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blank · bloß · kahl · nackt · unverhüllt · direkt · frei · frei heraus · freimütig · geradeheraus · gradheraus · offenherzig · rundheraus · unverblümt · extravertiert · extrovertiert · freundlich · kontaktfreudig · leutselig · sozial · (einmal ganz) undiplomatisch · (jemandem etwas) ins Gesicht (sagen) · in aller Offenheit · schlankweg · schonungslos · unbeschönigt · unumwunden · unverhohlen · (frei) von der Leber weg · (so) wie (jemandem) der Schnabel gewachsen ist · auf gut Deutsch · einfach drauflos · frank und frei · frei zum Munde heraus (ironisch altertümelnd) · ohne Hemmung · ungeniert · (wie) auf dem Präsentierteller · ungeschützt · auf · aufgesperrt · nicht abgeschlossen · nicht zugeschlossen · nicht zugesperrt · unabgeschlossen · unverriegelt · unverschlossen · unversperrt · ausgeschrieben (Stelle) · in der Ausschreibung · nicht besetzt · unbesetzt (Arbeitsplatz) · vakant · zu besetzen · abgetaut · aper · schneefrei · (ein) hörendes Ohr (haben) · ansprechbar (Person) · aufgeschlossen (für) · empfänglich (für) · erreichbar · zugänglich · frei zugänglich · nicht abgesperrt · öffentlich zugänglich · (bisher) nicht beantwortet · bleibt dahingestellt · klärungsbedürftig · nicht entschieden · Nichts Genaues weiß man nicht. · steht im Raum · ungeklärt · ungelöst · unklar · aufgeklappt · geöffnet · offen stehend · entgegenkommend · nett · sympathisch · aufgeschlossen · aufnahmefähig · aufnehmend · empfangend · empfänglich · gesprächsbereit · offen (für) · rezeptiv + prikaži više
Frank | englesko - nemački rečnik


ženski rodlično ime

(1929-1945) German diarist. She fled to the Netherlands with her family 1933 to escape Nazi anti-Semitism (the Holocaust).
During the German occupation of Amsterdam, they and two other families remained in a sealed-off room,
protected by Dutch sympathizers 1942–44, when betrayal resulted in their deportation and Anne's death in Belsen concentration camp. Her diary of her time in hiding was published 1947.
Previously suppressed portions of her diary were published 1989. The house in which the family took refuge is preserved as a museum. Her diary has sold 20 million copies in more than 50 languages and has been made into a play and a film publicizing the fate of millions.

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Anne, 1929, 1945 (im KZ Bergen-Belsen), Opfer der Judenverfolgung; bek. durch die erschütternden Tagebuchaufzeichnungen, die in ihrem Versteck in einem Amsterdamer Hinterhaus während der dt. Besetzung 1942–44 entstanden; dt. 1950 als »Das Tagebuch der Anne F.« veröffentlicht.

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muški rodlično ime

(1908-1990) Russian physicist known for his work on radiation. In 1934 Pavel Cherenkov had noted a peculiar blue radiation sometimes emitted as electrons passed through water.
It was left to Frank and his colleague at Moscow University, Igor Tamm (1895–1971), to realize that this form of radiation was produced by charged particles traveling faster through the medium than the speed of light in the same medium.
Frank shared the 1958 Nobel Prize for Physics with Cherenkov and Tamm.

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Ilja Michailowitsch, 1908, 1990, russ. Physiker; arbeitete v. a. über Neutronenphysik; Nobelpreis 1958.

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(1900-1946) German bureaucrat and governor of Poland in World War II. Originally a lawyer and a member of the Nazi Party from its early years, he became Reichs Commissioner for Justice 1933. After the German invasion of Poland 1939 he was appointed governor-general of the Generalgouvernement, that part of Poland not incorporated into the Reich. He was executed for war crimes 1946.
He ran a brutal and repressive regime aimed at total subjugation of the Poles and the extraction of every possible economic advantage from the territory using slave labor and Jewish extermination. As the Soviet Army approached Aug 1944 he resigned his post and fled. He was captured after the defeat of Germany, tried at Nuremberg, and hanged 16 Oct 1946.

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Hans, 1900, 1946 (hingerichtet), nat.-soz. Politiker; 1939–45 Generalgouverneur von Polen; im Nürnberger Kriegsverbrecherprozeß zum Tod verurteilt.

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Pertaining to the Franks and the Frankish dynasty.

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(1924-) US photographer. He is best known for his informal and unromanticized pictures of American life. These were published, with a foreword by the US novelist Jack Kerouac, as The Americans 1959. Since then he has concentrated mainly on filmmaking.

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(1898-1946) Czech Nazi politician. Originally a leader of the Sudeten German Nazi Party, he became secretary of state for Bohemia and Moravia after their annexation by Germany 1939. Among other atrocities, he was responsible for the destruction of Lidice and the murder of its inhabitants June 1942 as a reprisal for the assassination of Heydrich. He was captured at the end of the war, tried, and publicly hanged near Prague May 1946.

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A member of the ancient Germanic peoples who spread from the Rhine into the Roman Empire in the 4th century.
Member of a group of Germanic peoples prominent in Europe in the 3rd to 9th centuries. Believed to have originated in Pomerania on the Baltic Sea, they had settled on the Rhine by the 3rd century, spread into the Roman Empire by the 4th century, and gradually conquered most of Gaul, Italy, and Germany under t
he Merovingian and Carolingian dynasties. The kingdom of the western Franks became France, the kingdom of the eastern Franks became Germany.
The Salian (western) Franks conquered Roman Gaul during the 4th–5th centuries. Their ruler, Clovis, united the Salians with the Ripuarian (eastern) Franks, and they were converted to Christianity. The agriculture of the Merovingian dynasty (named after Clovis's grandfather, Merovech) was more advanced than that of the Romans, and they introduced the three-field system (see field). The Merovingians conquered most of western and central Europe, and lasted until the 8th century when the Carolingian dynasty was founded under Charlemagne. The kingdom of the W Franks was fused by the 9th century into a single people with the Gallo-Romans, speaking the modified form of Latin that became modern French.

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A smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll; SYN. frankfurter, hotdog, wiener, wienerwurst, weenie.

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To exempt by means of an official pass or letter, as from customs or other checks.

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