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(1826-1900) US painter. He was a student of Thomas Cole and follower of the Hudson River School's tradition of grand landscape. During the 1850s he visited South America and the Arctic and became known for his meticulous and dramatic depictions of exotic landscapes.
He is known for his portrayal of light, as in Heart of the Andes 1855 and Niagara Falls 1857.

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Frederick Edwin, amerik. Maler, Hartford (Conn.) 4.5.1826, +New York 7.4.1900. Bereiste als Landschafter Südamerika, Mexiko, Indien und Europa. Schüler von Thomas Cole, ließ sich früh in New York nieder, von wo aus er seine weiten Reisen unternahm; gehörte zur 'Hudson River School' amerik. Künstler. In seiner farbenfreudigen Kunst von Turner beeinflußt. Beispiele: 'Großer Niagarafall' (1857, Washington, Corcoran Art Gallery). 'Zwielicht' (Baltimore, Walters Gallery). + prikaži više

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ETYM Old Eng. chirche, chireche, cherche, Scot. kirk, from AS. circe, cyrice; akin to Dutch kerk, Icel. kirkja, Swed. kyrka.
1. A group of Christians; any group professing Christian doctrine or belief; SYN. Christian church, Christianity.
2. A building used for public (especially Christian) worship; SYN. church building.
designed as a Christian place of worship; also the Christian community generally, or a subdivision or denomination of it, such as the Church of England. Churches were first built in the 3rd century, when persecution ceased under the Holy Roman emperor Constantine.
The original church design was based on the Roman basilica, with a central nave, aisles either side, and an apse at one end. Many Western churches are built on an east–west axis with an altar at the east end, facing toward Jerusalem.
The church in the sense of the whole body of Christians is taken to include both those who are alive (the church militant) and those who have died and are in heaven (the church triumphant).

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(Theologie) Gesamtheit der sich auf Jesus Christus als ihren Stifter berufenden christl. Kirchen u. Glaubensgemeinschaften.
(Bauwerk) Christl. Gotteshaus.
(griech. kyriakón 'das zum Herrn gehörige Haus')
Das Gotteshaus, d.h. das der christl. Gottesverehrung geweihte Gebäude, davon abgeleitet K. als Bez. der christl. Gemeinde, der Gesamtchristenheit oder ihrer Teile (Konfessionen). Die Religionssoziologie nennt - im Unterschied zu den Sekten - folgende Merkmale der K.: interne Rollendifferenzierung (Amtsträger und Laien); rationaler Charakter ihrer Organisation; religiöse Sozialisierung der Mitglieder; universaler Geltungsanspruch. + prikaži više

Andachtsgebäude · Bethaus · Gebetshaus · Gotteshaus · Kirchengebäude · (christliche) Religionsgemeinschaft · Glaube · Glauben · Glaubensrichtung · Religion · religiöse Überzeugung · Weltanschauung + prikaži više
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1. Of or relating to a church
2 chiefly British; of or relating to the established church

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(1903-) US mathematician who in 1936 published the first precise definition of a calculable function, and so contributed enormously to the systematic development of the theory of algorithms.
Church was educated at Princeton and remained there for 40 years, becoming professor of mathematics and philosophy. In 1967 he moved to the University of C
alifornia at Los Angeles.
The solving of algorithmic problems involves the construction of an algorithm capable of solving a given set with respect to some other set, and if such an algorithm cannot be constructed, it signifies that the problem is unsolvable. Theorems establishing the unsolvability of such problems are among the most important in the theory of algorithms, and Church's theorem was the first of this kind. From English mathematician Alan Turing's thesis, Church proved that there were no algorithms for a class of quite elementary arithmetical questions. He also established the unsolvability of the solution problem for the set of all true propositions of the logic of prediction.

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To bring someone to church for a special rite, as of a woman after childbirth.

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