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(1857-1923) US observational astronomer who discovered the fifth satellite of Jupiter 1892 and Barnard's star 1916. He was the first to realize that the apparent voids in the Milky Way are in fact dark nebulae of dust and gas.
Barnard was born in Nashville, Tennessee, and from the age of nine worked as an
assistant in a photographic studio. A fascination with astronomy led him to take a job in the observatory at Vanderbilt University, where he spent most of his time using the telescopes. He went to California to work at the Lick Observatory when it opened 1888. In 1895 he took up the chair of practical astronomy at the University of Chicago and became astronomer at the Yerkes Observatory, Wisconsin. He participated in an expedition to Sumatra, Indonesia, to observe the solar eclipse of 1901.
Barnard discovered his first comet 1881 and by 1892 he had found 16. He also investigated the surface features of Jupiter.

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Edward Emerson, Nashville (Tenn.) 16.12.1857, +Williams Bay (Wis.) 16.2.1923, amerikan. Astronom. B. verfeinerte die Techniken der Himmelsphotographie, entdeckte 1892 den 5. Jupitermond und den Stern mit der seinerzeit größten bekannten Eigenbewegung (B.scher Pfeilstern).

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(Neethling) (1922-) South African surgeon who performed the first human heart transplant 1967 at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town. The 54-year-old patient lived for 18 days.
Barnard also discovered that intestinal artresia—a congenital deformity in the form of a hole in the small intestine—is the result of an insufficient supply of blood to the fetus during pregnancy. It was a
fatal defect before he developed the corrective surgery.
Barnard was born in Beaufort West, Cape Province, and studied at the University of Cape Town. He held academic and research posts at that university and Groote Schuur Hospital until 1983.
Barnard's early research involved experiments with heart transplants in dogs, and in Dec 1967 he first applied the technique to a human patient. Surgically this transplant was a success, but the patient died from double pneumonia— probably contracted as a result of the immunosuppressive drugs administered to him to prevent his body rejecting the new heart.
Open-heart surgery was first introduced in South Africa by Barnard, and he further developed cardiothoracic surgery by new designs for artificial heart valves.

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Christiaan, Beauford West (Kapprovinz) 8.11.1922, südafrikan. Chirurg; nahm 1967 die erste Herztransplantation vor.

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Member of gang of thieves who acts as decoy,

Mašinski prevod reči barnard
Barnard | englesko - nemački rečnik



1. City in Kansas (USA); zip code 67418.
2. City in Missouri (USA); zip code 64423.

Mašinski prevod reči Barnard

Reč dana 06.10.2024.

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