LEO prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

Leo | englesko - nemački rečnik



1. A zodiacal constellation in northern hemisphere between Cancer and Virgo.
2. The fifth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from July 23 to August 22; Als
o called: Leo the Lion.
Zodiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere represented as a lion. The Sun passes through Leo from mid-Aug to mid-Sept. Its brightest star is first-magnitude Regulus at the base of a pattern of stars called the Sickle. In astrology, the dates for Leo are between about 23 July and 22 Aug (see precession).

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Leo · Leo the Lion · Lio · Lion
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muški rodastrologija

(Astronomie) Leo, 2 Sternbilder am nördl. Himmel: Großer L., Hauptstern Regulus; Kleiner L. nördl. davon.
(Panthera leo)bis 1 m schulterhohe und bis 2 m lange
Großkatze in mehreren Rassen, verbreitet v.a. in ganz Afrika südl. der Sahara, in Steppen und Savannen lebend und vorwiegend in Rudeln jagend. Früher in ganz Eurasien beheimatet, galt und gilt der L., v.a. das mit mächtiger Mähne ausgestattete Männchen, in vielen Kulturen als vornehmstes Raub- und Wappentier ('König der Tiere'). + prikaži više

König der Tiere · Leu · Leo
LEO | englesko - nemački rečnik



See low-Earth-orbit satellite.

Prevedi LEO na:

srpski · francuski

Leo | englesko - nemački rečnik


muški rodlično ime

Name of 13 popes: especially I Saint died 461 (pope 440-61); iii Saint d 816 (pope 795-816); Xiii 1810-1903 (pope 1878-1903)

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srpski · francuski

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