Cato prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

Cato | englesko - nemački rečnik


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Of Utica (Cato the Younger) (95-46 BC) Roman politician, great-grandson of Cato “the Censor”. His staunch republican views led him to support Pompey in the civil war, but failed to hold Sicily for him. He withdrew (48 BC) to Utica in Africa, where he committed suicide after learning of Caesars victory at the battle of Thapsus.
His suicide made him a hero to those with republican sympathies, a martyrdom aided by a virulent attack by Caesar in his pamphlet Anticato.
Known as “the Censor” (234-149 BC) Roman politician. Having significantly developed Roman rule in Spain, Cato was appointed censor 184 BC. He acted severely, taxing luxuries and heavily revising the senatorial and equestrian lists. He was violently opposed to Greek influence on Roman culture and his suspicion of the re-emergence of Carthaginian power led him to remark: “Carthage must be destroyed.”

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Marcus Porcius (der Ältere), Tusculum -234 v.Chr., +Rom -149 v.Chr., röm. Politiker; absolvierte erfolgreich die Ämterlaufbahn und erwarb als Censor und Feldherr den Ruf eines sittenstrengen, patriot. Altrömers. C. war ein glänzender Redner und Schriftsteller ('Origines', 'De agricultura liber') und ein entschiedener Gegner Karthagos ('cetero censeo Carthaginem delendam esse'). + prikaži više

Cato | englesko - nemački rečnik



Village in New York (USA); zip code 13033.

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