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Pen name of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-1898).
English author of the children’s classics Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 1865 and its sequel Through the Looking-Glass 1872. Among later works was the mock-heroic narrative poem The Hunting of the Snark 1876. He was fascinated by the limits and paradoxes of language and thought, the exploration of which leads to the apparent nonsense of Alice’s adventures. He was an Oxford don and also published mathematical works.
Dodgson was a mathematics lecturer at Oxford 1855–81. There he first told the fantasy stories to Alice Liddell and her sisters, daughters of the dean of Christ Church. Dodgson was a prolific lett
er writer and one of the pioneers of portrait photography. He was also responsible, in his publication of mathematical games and problems requiring the use of logic, for a general upsurge of interest in such pastimes. He is said to be, after Shakespeare, the most quoted writer in the English language.
Dodgson was born in Daresbury, Cheshire, and studied mathematics and classics at Oxford. He was ordained a deacon 1861. In 1867 he visited Russia.
His other major works of fiction, Sylvie and Bruno 1889 and Sylvie and Bruno Concluded 1893, were unsuccessful.
Interested in the use of number games that called for general intelligence to solve the problems, rather than specialized knowledge, he saw their potential as teaching aids. His books in this field include A Tangled Tale 1885, The Game of Logic 1886, and Pillow Problems 1893.
The chessboard featured in some of these games. Several of his books of puzzles suggest an awareness of the theory of sets— the basis on which most modern mathematical teaching is founded —which was then only just being formulated by German mathematician Georg Cantor.
Dodgson also wrote mathematical textbooks for the general syllabus, quite a few books on historical mathematics (particularly on Euclid and his geometry), and a number of specialized papers (such as Condensation of determinants).

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Lewis , eigentl. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, Daresbury (Cheshire) 27.1.1832, +Guildford 14.1.1898, engl. Mathematiker und Autor. C. schrieb die Kinderromane 'Alice im Wunderland' (1865) und 'Alice in den Spiegeln' (1871) über die märchenhaften Abenteuer eines kleinen Mädchens in einem Phantasiereich.

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(1858-1927) New Zealand Maori politician and advocate of Maori rights. He was minister for Maori affairs 1899–1912 and acting prime minister in 1909 and 1911. His main work was in arbitrating between the Maori and the government over land settlements, adopting a policy of taihoa (marking time or delaying) rather than forcing the Maori to accept European ways.

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Carroll | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1737-1832) American public official who, as a member of the Continental Congress, was one of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence 1776. He was one of Maryland's first US senators 1789–92.
Born in Annapolis, Maryland, Carroll was educated in France and England, returning to administer Carrollton, the family estate in Maryland. Because of his Catholic faith, he was not allowed to enter political life but was a strong supporter of the cause of American independence. In 1776 he accompanied Benjamin Franklin on a diplomatic mission to Canada before signing the Declaration of Independence in the same year.

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Carroll | englesko - nemački rečnik


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English author; Charles Dodgson was an Oxford don of mathematics who is remembered for the children's stories (Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass) he wrote under the pen name Lewis Carroll (1832-1898).

Carroll | englesko - nemački rečnik



1. City in Iowa (USA); zip code 51401.
2. Village in Nebraska (USA); zip code 68723.
3. Village in Ohio (USA); zip code 43112.

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