Boulez prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

Boulez | englesko - nemački rečnik


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(1925-) French composer and conductor. He is the founder and director of IRCAM, a music research studio in Paris opened 1977. His music, strictly serial and expressionistic in style, includes the cantatas Le Visage nuptial 1946–52 and Le Marteau sans maître 1955, both to texts by René Char; Pli selon pli 1962 for soprano and orchestra; and Répons 1981 for soloists, orchestra, tapes, and computer-generated sounds.

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Pierre , Montbrison (Loire) 26.3.1925, frz. Komponist, u.a. 1971/1977 Chefdirigent der New Yorker Philharmoniker, 1976 Prof. am Collège de France, 1979 Präs. des Orchestre de Paris; Vertreter der öseriellen Musik, Literaturvertonungen (u.a. Mallarmé).

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