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Any of an order (Rajiformes) of usually marine cartilaginous fishes (as stingrays and skates) having the body flattened dorsoventrally, the eyes on the upper surface, and enlarged pectoral fins fused with the head
nous fishes having horizontally flattened bodies and enlarged winglike pectoral fins with gills on the underside; most swim by moving the pectoral fins.
Any of several orders (especially Ragiformes) of cartilaginous fishes with a flattened body, winglike pectoral fins, and a whiplike tail.
Species include the stingray, for example the Southern stingray Dasyatis americana, which has a serrated, poisonous spine on the tail, and the torpedo fish.

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Poisson plat.

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muški rod

1. Ligne partant d'un centre. Le rayon d'un cercle.
2. Distance. Rayon d'action.
3. Lueur. Rayon de soleil.
4. Tablette. Rayon de bibliothèque.
5. Comptoir.
6. Stand. Au rayon de l'alimentation.
7. (Familier) Spécialité. Ce n'est pas mon rayon.

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(Homonym: re).
1. (Mathematics) A straight line extending from a point.
2. A branch of an umbel or an umbelliform inflorescence.
3. Any of the stiff bony rods in the fin of a fish.
4. A thin line suggesting a ray: as any of a group of lines diverging from a common center; half line.
5. Particle, trace.

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muški rod

1. Ligne partant d'un centre. Le rayon d'un cercle.
2. Distance. Rayon d'action.
3. Lueur. Rayon de soleil.
4. Tablette. Rayon de bibliothèque.
5. Comptoir.
6. Stand. Au rayon de l'alimentation.
7. (Familier) Spécialité. Ce n'est pas mon rayon.

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muški rodlično ime

(1921-1992) Indian film director. He was internationally known for his trilogy of life in his native Bengal: Pather Panchali, Unvanquished, and The World of Apu 1955–59.
Later films include The Music Room 1963, Charulata 1964, The Chess Players 1977, and The Home and the World 1984.

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Adopted name of Raymond Nicholas Kienzle (1911-1979) US film director. He was critically acclaimed for his socially aware dramas that concentrated on the individual as an outsider, such as They Live by Night 1948 and Rebel Without a Cause 1955. Other films include In a Lonely Place 1950 and 55 Days at Peking 1963.

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muški rodlično ime

Adopted name of Emmanuel Rudnitsky (1890-1976)
US photographer, painter, and sculptor. He was active mainly in France and was associated with the Dada movement. His pictures often showed Surrealist images, for example the photograph Le Violon d’In
gres 1924.
Man Ray was born in Philadelphia, but lived mostly in Paris from 1921. He began as a painter and took up photography in 1915, the year he met the Dada artist Duchamp in New York. In 1922 he invented the rayograph, a black-and-white image obtained without a camera by placing objects on sensitized photographic paper and exposing them to light; he also used the technique of solarization (partly reversing the tones on a photograph). His photographs include portraits of many artists and writers.

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(1627-1705) English naturalist who devised a classification system accounting for some 18,000 plant species. It was the first system to divide flowering plants into monocotyledons and dicotyledons, with additional divisions made on the basis of leaf and flower characters and fruit types.
In Methodus plantarum nova 1682, Ray first set out his system. He also established the species as the fundamental unit of classification.
Ray believed that fossils are the petrified remains of dead animals and plants. This concept, which appeared in his theological writings, did not gain general acceptance until the late 18th century.
Ray was born near Braintree, Essex, and studied at C
ambridge, where he became a lecturer and, in 1660, was ordained a priest. In 1662 he lost his livelihood because of the Act of Uniformity, which required from all clerics a declaration that he refused to sign. With naturalist Francis Willughby (1635–1672), Ray toured Europe 1663–66, and on their return to England, Ray lived at Willughby's home, where they collaborated on publishing the results of their studies. After Willughby's death, Ray remained in the Willughby household until 1678, and then returned to the village where he was born.
In 1670 Ray, with Willughby’s help, published Catalogus plantarum Angliae/Catalog of English Plants. Ray and Willughby then began working on a definitive catalog and classification of all known plants and animals. Historia generalis plantarum 1686–1704 covered about 18,600 species (most of which were European) and contained much information on the morphology, distribution, habitats, and pharmacological uses of individual species as well as general aspects of plant life, such as diseases and seed germination.
Ray also wrote several books on zoology, giving details of individual species in addition to classification: Synopsis methodica animalium quadrupedum et serpentini generis/Synopsis of Quadrupeds 1693, Historia insectorum/History of Insects 1710, and Synopsis methodica avium et piscium/Synopsis of Birds and Fish 1713.

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City in North Dakota (USA).

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ETYM An aphetic form of array; cf. Beray.
1. To emit as rays.
2. To extend like the radii of a circle; radiate.
3. To emit in rays.
4. To furnish or mark with rays.

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