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option | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM Latin optio; akin to optare to choose, wish, optimus best, and perh. to Eng. apt: cf. French option.
1. An alternative action; SYN. alternative, choice.
2. The right to buy or sell property at an agreed price;
the right is purchased and if it is not exercised by a stated date the money is forfeited.
In business, a contract giving the owner the right (as opposed to the obligation, as with futures contracts; see futures trading) to buy or sell a specific quantity of a particular commodity or currency at a future date and at an agreed price, in return for a premium. The buyer or seller can decide not to exercise the option if it would prove disadvantageous.

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muški rod

1. Sélection.
2. Tri. Choix d'un associé.
3. Option.
4. Dilemme. Choix cornélien.

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ženski rod

1. Choix. Avoir l'option entre diverses solutions.
2. Accessoire. Une option payante.
3. Promesse d'achat (ou de location). Lever une option.

alternative · choix · dilemme · détermination · précommande · préférence · élection + prikaži više
option | englesko - francuski rečnik



1. To grant or take an option on
2. To acquire the exclusive right to use (an author's work) as the basis for a motion picture

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Reč dana 05.10.2024.

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