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nuisance | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM Old Eng. noisance, Old Fren. noisance, nuisance, from Latin nocentia guilt, from nocere to hurt, harm; akin to necare to kill. Cf Necromancy, Nocent, Noxious, Pernicious.
That which annoys or gives trouble and vexation; that which is offens
ive or noxious.
In law, interference with enjoyment of, or rights over, land. There are two kinds of nuisance. Private nuisance affects a particular occupier of land, such as noise from a neighbor; the aggrieved occupier can apply for an injunction and claim damages. Public nuisance affects an indefinite number of members of the public, such as obstructing the highway; it is a criminal offense. In this case, individuals can claim damages only if they are affected more than the general public.

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