forgery prevod sa engleskog na francuski online

forgery | englesko - francuski rečnik



ETYM Cf. French forgerie.
Criminal falsification by making or altering an instrument with intent to defraud.
The making of a false document, painting, or object with deliberate intention to deceive or defraud. The most common forgeries involve f
inancial instruments such as checks or credit-card transactions or money (counterfeiting). There are also literary forgeries, forged coins, and forged antiques.
Financial gain is not the only motive for forgery. Han van Meegeren probably began painting in the style of Vermeer to make fools of the critics, but found such a ready market for his creations that he became a rich man before he was forced to confess. The archeological Piltdown Man hoax in England in 1912 also appears to have been a practical joke.

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srpski · nemački


ženski rod

Reproduction frauduleuse.


ženski rod

Action par laquelle on falsifie, ou état de la chose falsifiée. Être coupable de falsification.

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