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1. A state in midwestern United States; Also called: Hoosier State.
2. Borough in Pennsylvania (USA); zip code 15701.
State of the midwest US; nicknamed Hoosier State.
area 93,700 sq km/36,168 sq mi.
capital Indianapolis.
cities Fort Wayne, Gary, Evansville, South Bend.
features Ohio and Wabash rivers; Wyandotte Cavern; Indiana Dunes national lakeshore, on Lake Michigan; Vincennes, the oldest community in the state, with the George Rogers Clark national memorial; Indianapolis, the scene of the Indianapolis 500 automobile race, with th
e Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame Museum; Lincoln boyhood national memorial; New Harmony, Robert Owen’s utopian community; Indiana University (1820) at Bloomington, with a famous School of Music; University of Notre Dame (1842) at South Bend, the leading Roman Catholic university in the US, with the Snite Museum of Art; Purdue University (1869); Amish country; the inhabitants of the state are known as “Hoosiers”.
industries corn, pigs, soy beans, limestone, machinery, electrical goods, coal, steel, iron, chemicals.

famous people Hoagy Carmichael, Eugene V Debs, Theodore Dreiser, Michael Jackson, Cole Porter, J Dan Quayle, Wilbur Wright.
history explored for France by La Salle 1679–80; first colonial settlements established 1731–35 by French traders; ceded to Britain by France 1763; passed to US control 1783; became a state 1816. Indiana became an important industrial state in the early 20th century, with steel mills, oil refineries, and factories producing automobiles and auto parts. However, the state remained one-third rural in the mid-1980s, and agriculture retained much of its former importance.

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