vellum značenje | engleski leksikon

vellum značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / veləm /

1. Of, resembling, or bound in vellum.
2. Slightly rough.

vellum značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / veləm /

Množina: vellums


ETYM Old Eng. velim, French vélin, from Latin vitulinus of a calf, from vitulus a calf. Related to Veal.
1. A heavy creamy-colored paper resembling parchment.
2. Fine parchment prepared from the skin of a young animal e.g. a
calf or lamb.
Calf or lamb gut or skin prepared for writing on; parchment.
Type of parchment, often rolled in scrolls, made from the skin of a calf, kid, or lamb. It was used from the late Roman Empire and Middle Ages for exceptionally important documents and the finest manuscripts. For example, Torahs (the five books of Moses) are always written in Hebrew on vellum. The modern term now describes thick, high-quality paper that resembles fine vellum parchment.

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