tale značenje | engleski leksikon

tale značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / teɪl /

Množina: tales


ETYM as. talu number, speech, narrative; akin to Dutch taal speech, language, German zahl number, Old High Germ. zala, Icel. tal, tala, number, speech, Swed. tal, Dan. tal number, tale speech, Goth. talzjan to instruct. Related to Tell, Toll a tax, also Talk.
(Homonym: tail).
Story; a narrative with a moral.

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Još sličnih reči

Taal | tael | Tai Lue | tail | taille | Tal | tala | tali | tall | tallow | tallowy | tally | talo | teal | teil | tel | tele | Tell | telly | telo | til | tile | tilia | till | Tilly | Tl | TLA | toil | toile | toll | Tolley | tollowy | tolu | Tooele | tool | TTL | tuille | Tula | tule | Tulia | Tull | tulle | Tully | Tulu

Reč dana 08.09.2024.

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