secular značenje | engleski leksikon

secular značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / sekjələr /

ETYM Old Eng. secular, seculer. Latin saecularis, from saeculum a race, generation, age, the times, the world; perhaps akin to Eng. soul: cf. French séculier.
1. Of or pertaining to this present world, or to things not spiritual; relating to temporal as di
stinguished from eternal interests.
2. Pertaining to an age, or the progress of ages, or to a long period of time; accomplished in a long progress of time.
3. Coming or observed once in an age or a century.
4. Not regular; not bound by monastic vows or rules; not confined to a monastery, or subject to the rules of a religious community.
5. Belonging to the laity; lay; not clerical.
Worldly; non-religious; not belonging to religious order; lasting for centuries; occurring once in a century.

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secular značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / sekjələr /

Množina: seculars


1. A secular ecclesiastic (as a diocesan priest)
2. Layman

layman · layperson
Prevedi secular na:

srpski · nemački · francuski

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